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The group that I am a part of for the mini-experience project was focused on interests related to Performing, Visual and Literary Arts. Members of the groups had had previous interest and involvement in dance, photography, poetry, writing, video making and fashion design. After deliberation, our group felt that seeing an independent film would be exploring an interest that we didn’t collectively have much experience in. Independent films focus on the artistic element of videography and because of this, we felt a film could be an opportunity to provoke new thoughts and reflection.


While it does seem like this would be an ordinary experience by going to a movie theater, I was surprised to find that it was different than other movie theaters I had went to before and in this experience I was able to be exposed to something that I was not used to. The experience began by taking the UC bus system to the Esquire Theater down on Ludlow Street on Wednesday, April 5th at 7:00. I then bought a ticket for the movie Krisha and I was enjoying myself before I even saw the movie. The theater had lots of paintings and different art work up as you walked through the hallways and the aesthetic part of this really connected to my interests in Visual Art and I was able to explore this before I even saw the movie. The movie itself focused on the strained relationship of a drug-dependent mother and her extended family. I really connected with the relational components of the movie and I was glad I was able to be exposed to a movie that I might not have otherwise. My favorite part of the movie was how realistic and relatable it was. It was shot so perfectly that it truly felt like you were witnessing a family thanksgiving.


Aside from the movie I think the most important part of this experience was that I got to go out into the community to do something that I do not usually do, and interact with other people. In this act alone I was able to expose myself to a different viewpoint. Even though the movie I saw mainly had an entertainment component, I felt that by seeing the movie I was supporting other movies like it and the local organizations in the Cincinnati Area that made it possible for me to see it. I feel supporting artistic outlets, especially local ones is crucial because giving people the opportunity to experience them may in turn inspire them. Additionally, exposing yourself to alternate viewpoints and experiences is what creates a global citizen as a university honors student and I feel this smaller scaled experience accomplished this.










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